NSP Studio Guide

Brand Photoshoot

Within this guide, you will find information on what to expect and how to prepare for your photo session! We know it can be stressful to be photographed, which is why we are here to help! On the following pages you’ll find information on what to wear, choosing locations, hair & makeup styling, what props to bring, what to expect throughout the entire process with our studio, how to use your images, and a pre-shoot checklist. From start to finish, we’ve got you covered! Read on to get started crafting the shoot of your dreams.


 What to Expect

Brand Photography Features

If you’re unsure whether a standard headshot session or a brand session will best first your needs, here are somethings to consider…


The biggest difference between the two is that doing a brand session will result in MANY delivered images of yourself instead of just a few. This is incredibly useful for anyone interested in building a relationship with their audience through social media, or looking to create a dynamic website for your brand or business.


Due to the number of images you’ll be receiving, we can tell a bit more of a story and provide a depth of context to your audience. It’s easier for your audience to CONNECT and feel like they know you when they’ve seen many different sides of your personality as well as more “real life” scenarios (or at least those that appear to be). We can include photos of your actual space and/or examples of your work too if that makes sense!


Close-up detail shots are perfect accompaniments to photos of your face and break up your social media feed from just your face or text.


Due to the light polishing on brand photos vs. the full retouching in traditional headshots, the resulting photos can feel a little more “real” and “relatable” for your audience, helping them to get to know the real-life you!

it’s Fun

A brand session is a celebration. The experience of preparing for and doing the shoot will help you connect with your brand and visually embody what that means to you. This will come through loud and clear to your audience, creating connection and build your brand equity!

What to Wear

Wardrobe & Accessories

If the question of “What to Wear” for your session sends you into a panic, here are some tips to get you set up for success!

Vibe & Formality

It’s important that your clothes fit your brand, so give some thought to how you want to be perceived - are you going for casual / approachable? More buttoned-up formal? Sometimes people need both for different applications (formal for your speaking engagements, but casual for your 1:1 meetings). Bring a variety of outfits, or pick one vibe for all your outfits.


The shape and cut of your clothing is crucial! Jackets that are too short in the sleeves or too tight in the shoulders can look uncomfortable and unprofessional. Anything too wide or flowy through your midsection tend to look sloppy and adds weight. Bring items that follow the shape of your body. (note: we do have clips at the studio to pull shirts and jackets in at the waist / behind the shoulder when needed, but it’s best if you can bring items that actually fit).

Textures & Patterns

Don’t be afraid of getting a little crazy - just make sure that you pair strong patterns/textures with neutrals and solids so it’s not “too much” to look at! A little flair can go a long way. Stick to a few statement pieces for your shoot, and make sure not every outfit you bring is a non-stop party…unless you really want it to be - in which case, party on :)


Don’t be afraid of color! If you have a defined color palette for your personal or professional brand, this is 100% the time to make use of that! If not, consider where the images will be appearing. You’ll want your pictures to go well with the existing look of your website / instagram feed - so make sure whatever you bring coordinates well with that. You can also keep your wardrobe more neutral, and just bring pops of color in your accessories.


Adding accessories is an easy way to show off individual personality within a coordinated set of outfits. Scarves, hats, belts, wraps, shoes and jewelry are and awesome way to incorporate brand colors and your unique personality. Sometimes adding or removing an accessory can make it look like you’ve completely changed your outfit! Don’t be afraid to bring extra to your shoot and we can help you mix and match.

Bring It

Bring a few extra clothing and accessory options with you to your shoot. We are very keyed into what photographs well, and it’s easy for us to pair items together within your curated selections to create the perfect look!


 What to Bring

Props & Such

Bringing the right props can make all the difference in your shoot. You want to cover all your bases and create VARIETY in your images that will meet all the visual communication needs you have.

Tools of the Trade

Think about the tools you use on a daily basis (literally or figuratively). If you’re a photographer, bring a camera. If you’re an accountant, bring a cute calculator. A mom? Bring coffee. Or wine.


The backs of people’s heads can make a great “prop” if you want to convey your approachability and the experience of working 1:1 with you. Multiple people can indicate that you do group work, or speak to crowds. We can help brainstorm how to best fit your needs here.


Do you sell or make something? Have super cute packaging? Bring examples of the things people can expect to buy from you. They don’t need to be EXACTLY what people will find in your shop - just a representation of your overall vibe / quality.


Laptops, cell phones and microphones always look great in photos - and are used by most working professionals these days!


Fun or pretty items from your desk / home can add a special little touch to your shoot and help convey your unique aesthetic.

A few of our favorite PROPS:

• Blank sign (you can add any text you want on insta/canva/your tool of choice!)

• Friends (for the back of their head)

• Marketing materials

• Cell phone

• Laptop

• Microphone + Headphones

• Notebook / cute pens / pencils

• Books (for color, or topic)

• Something you sell or make

• Plants / Office cuteness

• Mug / Starbucks / Beverage of choice

Industry Examples:


Mic, Laptop, Headphones, Notebook

Fitness Trainer:

Hand weights, water bottle, stopwatch,

jump rope, workout mat, journal + pen

Hair Stylist:

Shears, hair dryer, comb, a friend’s head

Get Ready

Styling Tips

Fear not, here’s the run-down of how to make sure you’re “ready for your close-up”.


Grooming issues are some of the hardest to fix in retouching, so don’t leave them to chance. Make sure your fingernails, lashes and eyebrows / facial hair are in order and how you like them. You don’t need to do anything significantly more than you usually would, just make sure they are looking how you intend.


If you’re doing your own makeup, wear apply the way you normally would, with a little more time and attention paid to making your eyes pop (don’t forget that mascara!). Skip any products with glitter or sparkles, because the reflective flecks will photograph poorly (shimmer eye shadows are fine!). Feel free to bring a change of lip color as well. If you love a strong lip but don’t want it in every shot, we’ll start without it and have you put it on it part way through!


This is not a good time to try a new hairstyle! It’s important that your images look like you and that you feel confident in them. If your hair is very short, a 1-2 week old cut is usually best so that it has had time to grow out a little. As far as styling, do what you usually do, just a bit more

polished and ideally without flyaways. Feel free to bring a brush or hairspray with you, but any hot tools (straightening iron or curling iron) should be used before you arrive.

Hire a Pro

If you have a team you normally work with, that’s great! If not, our studio works closely with Chrissy from Special Occasion Hair & Makeup - offering both hair and makeup. We can coordinate on your behalf, just let us know. She is well-versed in a wide range of styles, skin tones, hair textures, and will make sure you look like the best version of YOU :)


 Where to shoot


In real estate they say “location is everything”. Make your location choice work for you. Here are some guidelines to think about, and make sure you check out our Location Guide with our local hotspots.


If your actual workspace or office is an option, it can be nice to provide real-life context for your shoot. However, if the look or feel of your day-to-day surroundings isn’t exactly “on brand” for you, it’s probably best to choose a different place to shoot.


If you don’t have your own space, or it’s not ideal to shoot there for any reason - let’s get creative and find a space suggestive of what you do or how you do it. If you’re a real estate agent, let’s find a pretty street of houses. For a wardrobe stylist, a cute boutique is perfect!


If your brand has a strong color palette or “look”, forget reality and let’s go all in on finding spaces that scream your visual identity!

Ultimately, this is a decision we will make together - give it some thought and let’s discuss!


Light Polish vs. Fully Retouched

“RETOUCHING” can mean different things to different people, so here’s the nitty gritty of what’s included in your brand images.

All of your images receive:

Every delivered brand photo receives our loving care and attention in the following ways: exposure consistency, color balance, contrast optimization, light skin softening and teeth whitening, and some artistic b&w conversions. You’re working with the masters of posing, and our eagle-eye attention to detail will nix as many little issues in real life during your shoot as possible!


A set number of photos (depending on the custom-tailored session we craft and quote for you) will be hand-retouched by our editor. This includes hair edits (shape or coloring), face-swaps, clothing edits (”ironing” or logo/tag removal), body shape tweaks. This is perfect for pictures you plan to print on your marketing materials, have as the banner of your website, or plan to otherwise feature or highlight.



Your Brand Photos

1.View your Gallery

Your gallery will be ready approximately 2 weeks after your session (let us know ASAP if you have a shorter deadline!). We’ll send you the link and password to your gallery, you can access your photos from your phone or computer. Feel free to share with your web designer / other visual decision makers.

2. select images for retouching

Your brand session includes a number of retouched images. Use the shopping cart feature and “place an order” for the images you select using the discount code provided in your notification email (this will cancel out the cost for those included in your package). If desired, you can always choose to purchase more! Your selected retouched images will be re-uploaded to your gallery within a few days, keep an eye on your inbox for notice!

3. Download and Use

You can download your entire gallery and start using them right away! Put them to work on your website, social media feeds, linked in / profile photos, podcast, and anywhere else your heart (or marketing specialist) desires :)